You do not find the happy life. You make it.


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CrossFit Belleville – WOD

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**Push Jerk / Progression // Focus**

5 reps

1) Jump and land // Hip extension

2) Jump and land, hands at shoulders // Vertical torso during the dip, then jump

3) Jump-punch-land // Punch only after extending the hips

4) PVC push jerk // Hip extension

Specific Warm up

**1 set**

6 alternating DB cleans

5 DB shoulder-to-overheads / arm

6 alternating DB clean and jerks


**8 sets**

:20 work/:10 rest

Alternating DB clean and jerks

Weightlifting Prep



Push press

Split Jerk

*10min to get to your working weight


Thruster/PP/PJ/SJ (Every 3 minutes x 7 sets x 1 rep)

*start at about 70% of 1RM Push Press

*build to something heavy

Cool Down


30 reach, roll, and lift