☀️☀️ Summer Throwdown Registration is LIVE! ☀️☀️ Register by July 18th!
CrossFit Belleville – WOD
0:30 Row
0:30 Active Samson Stretch
0:30 Plank Shoulder Taps
0:30 Row
0:30 Dead Hang from Pull-Up Bar
**with an empty barbell**
5 Good Mornings
5 Elbow Rotations
5 Back Squats
5 Strict Presses
5 Stiff Legged Deadlifts
5 Snatch Grip Deadlifts
[Shoulders over the bar, big chest]
5 Snatch High Pulls
[Hips Extend, then arms pull, Bar stays close]
5 Power Snatches
[Quick Turnover, Elbows high & outside then drop and punch overhead]
5 Power Snatches, Practicing cycling
[Hitting the same landmarks on the way down as up. Bars to; Mid-shin, pockets, overhead, pockets, mid-shin…]
HPS + HS (Every 90sec x 10 sets)
Hang Power Snatch
Hang Snatch
*Build in weight
No pull (Time)
5 Rounds For Time [20 Minute Time Cap]:
400/300 Meter Row
2 Rope Climbs
10 Power Snatches (95/65)
Cool Down
1:00 Child’s Pose