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CrossFit Belleville – WOD

View Public Whiteboard


**1 set:**

1:00 of plyometric drills

1:00 of inchworms + 3 hand-release push-ups

1:00 of plyometric drills

1:00 of barbell bent over rows w/ a :02 pause at the top

Barbell Warm-up (No Measure)

5 Good Mornings

5 Back Squats

5 Elbow Rotations

5 Shoulder Presses

5 Romanian Deadlifts

5 Front Squats


Push Press (7 x 3)

Every 2:00

– Use at least 60% of your best push press.

– Increase load across as many sets as possible.


Metcon (Time)

– RX –

For time:

50 GHD hip extensions

20 kipping pull-ups

25 GHD hip extensions

20 kipping pull-ups

50 single-leg squats

20 kipping pull-ups

25 single-leg squats

20 kipping pull-ups


For time:

30 GHD hip extensions

15 kipping pull-ups

15 GHD hip extensions

15 kipping pull-ups

30 single-leg squats

15 kipping pull-ups

15 single-leg squats

15 kipping pull-ups


For time:

50 Superman arch-ups

20 ring rows

25 Superman arch-ups

20 ring rows

50 walking lunge steps

20 ring rows

25 walking lunge steps

20 ring rows

*18 minutes


5 sets each with a partner:

:40 GHD Superman hold

Max alternating single-leg V-ups

– P1 holds the GHD superman while P2 performs max alternating single-leg V-ups. Partners switch after :40.

Cool Down


2:00 seated straddle stretch

– Hold :40 on the left leg, right leg, and in the center.