In war, there are no unwounded soldiers.


πŸŽ„Our Christmas Party is back! Save the date – December 11th, 2021πŸŽ„
🎯 Goal Review Sessions are back! Have you booked yours? 🎯
PRE-ORDERS DUE THIS FRIDAY! ❄️ Built for the W I L D ❄️ Winter Apparel Orders are now LIVE

CrossFit Belleville – WOD

View Public Whiteboard


**On a 5:00 Clock:**

10 Synchro PVC Pass Throughs

5 Ring Rows / Each

10 Synchro Lunges

5 PVC Over Unders / Each

* PVC Over Under: Partner A holds the PVC at waist height, Partner B steps over the PVC with their right leg first and then their left leg. Then Partner B laterally steps under the PVC with their left leg first and then their right leg. A step-over and step-under equals one rep.

**On a 5:00 Clock**

5 Alternating Step-ups (Increase box height each round)

2 Pull ups

5 Alternating Burpees


Maxton (Time)

– RX –

13 Rounds For Time:

8 Strict Pull-ups

26 Box Step-ups (24/20#)

21 Burpees

– Wear a vest if available


13 Rounds For Time:

4 Strict Pull-ups

26 Box Step-ups (24/20#)

21 Burpees



8 Ring Rows

26 Box Step-ups (20/12#)

21 Up-Downs

*40 minutes
** Partner up**

Cool Down

**3 Sets:**

:30 Rocking Calf Stretch / Side

:30 Wrist Extension Stretch / Side