CrossFit Belleville – WOD
**Set 1**
50 Banded Face pulls
30 Jumping Jacks
50 Banded Pull Aparts
30 Skier Jacks
50 Banded Good Mornings
**Set 2**
10 Ring Rows (false grip)
10 Clean Grip Deadlifts (45/35#)
10 Bent Over Rows
**Set 3**
10 Jumping Pull-ups
5 Clean Pulls (45/35#)
5 Partial Front Squats
5 Strict Press
**Set 4**
5 Pull-ups
10 Clean & Jerk
1) False Grip Ring Row // Maintain the false grip
2) Jumping Ring Dip or Ring Dip // Full range of motion
3) Leg Assisted Muscle-up Transition // Use the legs to assist
// Make sure rings touch low on the chest before transition
// Increase difficulty by walking the feet out little by little
4) False Grip Kip Swings // Maintain false grip, big kip swings
5) Muscle-ups // All athletes get 2:00-3:00 to practice 5-10 reps of workout version
Hang Clean (EMOM 12)
*Build to a heavy 1
Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)
– RX –
8 Rounds For Reps:
:20 Muscle-ups
– Rest :10
:20 Clean & Jerks (135/95#)
– Rest :10
8 Rounds For Reps:
:20 Muscle-up Transitions
– Rest :10
:20 Clean & Jerks (95/65#)
– Rest :10
8 Rounds For Reps:
:20 Chest to Bar/Pullups
– Rest :10
:20 Clean & Jerks (75/55#)
– Rest :10
12 Sets Bike, Row, or Ski for Distance:
:45 Slow Pace
:15 Fast Pace
– Maintain the same “slow” pace
Cool Down
**3 Sets**
20 Banded Pull Aparts
:30 Wrist Extension Stretch / Arm