Basically nothing


🧈🍞 Bring a Friend Day is back next week for #NationalBestFriendsDay! All Classes, Wednesday, June 8th 🍓🥜
☀️🍔 Join Nutrition Coach Cheryl Borecky as she goes LIVE June 14th at 8PM on our Facebook Community Group to chat all things Summer! 🍔☀️

CrossFit Belleville – WOD

View Public Whiteboard


** 3 sets **

:40 bike, ski, row, run, or single-unders

:10 rest

:30 hollow hold

:10 rest

:20 handstand hold on the wall

:10 rest

Specific Warm up

**Handstand Walk Progression and Practice **

* Spend 1:00 working through slow successful reps of the progression.

* Keep arms locked out.

**Progression // Focus*

1) Partial kick-up // Keep arms straight, kick up halfway.

2) Full or partial wall walk // Smooth walk up and smooth walk down.

3) Handstand hold against all // Keep arms straight, kick up halfway.

4) Handstand walk 1 ft to wall // Push the ground away.

5) Handstand walk // Push both arms into the ground hard.

**Practice 5 minutes** .

* Experiment with walking. Try an assisted walk if you have never attempted to handstand walk.

* If you have no interest in walking on your hands , practice holding a handstand against a wall or do a wall walk or perform shoulder taps in the handstand/wall-walk position against the wall. This movement is a fun but less intimidating version of a handstand walk.


Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

– RX –


15 KB swings (24/32 kg)

50-ft handstand walk



15 KB swings (24/32 kg)

25-ft handstand walk



15 KB swings (24/32 kg)

100-ft bear crawl

Handstand Walk sub: 1:00 max-distance handstand walk, 4 wall walks, 14 wall-facing shoulder taps.


5 sets:

On a 2:00 clock:

20 wall-ball shots

Max calories on any machine

– Rest 2:00 between sets.

– Use a medicine ball with which you can perform every set of wall-ball shots unbroken.


**8 sets:**

:20 seated L-sit hold –

Rest :10

*a single-leg L-sit hold or a full tuck hold are potential scaling options. If you are unable to hold those positions, consider a hollow hold.

Shoulder Health

**3 sets:** :

30 ATY raises

:30 banded pull-aparts

– Rest as needed between sets.