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CrossFit Belleville – WOD

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**2 sets:**

:45 jump rope

10 scorpion stretches

10 RDLs

10 bent-over rows

10 shoulder presses

5 scap pull-ups w/ a pause at the top and bottom

– Use an empty barbell for the RDLs, rows, and presses.

Specific Warm up

**Pull-up Review / 5 min

**Progression // Focus**

1) 10 kip swings // Imagine shaking the bar back and forth with the feet pointed straight at the ground.

2) 3 kip swings + 3 kips // 3 small shakes of the bar and then 3 big shakes.

3) 1-5 strict pull-ups // Pull the hands and elbows straight down to the ground to elevate the body.

4) 3-5 kipping pull-ups // Combine the kip swing and strict pull-up by aggressively pulling the bar down to the floor.

**Clean and Jerk Review

**Progression // Focus** / 7 min

Empty Barbell

1) Power clean x3 // Slow pull below the knee, jump and land off and on the heel

2) Push jerk x3 // Jump high (hip extension) and punch fast.

3) Clean and jerk x3 // Pause in the receiving position of the clean, then initiate the jerk.

**Sit up Review / 3 min

1) Feet butterfled

2) Shoulders touch the ground

3) Shoulders come in front of hips and touch past the toes


Metcon (Time)

– RX –

2 rounds for time:

50 pull-ups

15 clean and jerks (95/135 lb)

75 sit-ups


2 rounds for time:

25 pull-ups

15 clean and jerks (65/95 lb)

75 sit-ups


2 rounds for time:

20 jumping pull-ups

10 clean and jerks (55/75 lb)

40 sit-ups

*22 minutes

Cool Down

**3 sets:**

:30 doorway stretch/side

:30 banded shoulder stretch/side