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CrossFit Belleville – WOD

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250/200m Row

– Each partner rows 1 250/200m interval

– Resting partner performs hang from pull-up bar

500/400m Row

– Each partner rows 1 500/400m interval

– Resting partner DB farmer hold (50/35#)

750/650m Row

– Each partner rows 1 750/650m interval

– Resting partner performs a plank hold

500/400m Row

– Each partner rows 1 500/400m interval

– Resting partner DB farmer hold (50/35#)

250/200m Row

– Each partner rows 1 250/200m interval

– Resting partner performs hang from pull-up bar

* If the resting partner comes off the bar, sets the DBs down, or comes out of the plank, the rowing partner must rest until the hold is restarted.


with time remaining


50 Toes to Bar

30 Strict Pull ups

10 Bar Muscle Ups


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