What will it Be?

CrossFit Belleville – WOD

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**2 sets:

:20 mountain climbers

:20 jumping jacks

:20 up-down

8 plate squats

8 PVC pass-throughs in a squat


**Overhead Squat Review

x 5 reps

1) Behind-the-neck push jerk // Jump and punch, land with straight arms

2) Overhead squat to above parallel // Push up as the hips go back and down

3) Overhead squat // Maintain weight in the heels and knees over the toes at the bottom

4) Overhead squat // Press up into the bar (active shoulders) at the bottom of the squat


Maintain sound squat mechanics while pressing overhead, not simply pressing the bar up at all costs.

**1 set:**

2 PVC Sots presses (quarter squat)

2 PVC Sots presses (above parallel)

2 PVC Sots presses (below parallel)

2 empty-bar Sots presses (quarter squat)

2 empty-bar Sots presses (above parallel)

2 empty-bar Sots presses (below parallel)

**EMOM 8:**

1 power snatch

1 snatch push press

2 sots presses


*10 minutes to build up to your desired weight

Overhead Squat (5 x 3)

*Every 3 minutes

*Same load for all 5 sets. This should be somewhere between 75-85% of your 1-rep max

Cool Down


2:00 banded shoulder stretch/arm

3:00 Child’s pose