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CrossFit Belleville – WOD

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**Set 1**

10 Alternating Spiderman

10 Plank to Down Dog

**Set 2**

:30 Single Unders

10 Inch worms

10 Hand Release Push-ups

**Set 3**

:30 Double Unders or Singles

7 Wall Walks (Partial range of motion)

* No further than half way

**Set 4**

:30 Double Unders or Singles

5 Wall Walks (Full range of motion)

* Go as close to the wall as possible

Accessory Work

8 Sets:

:20 Handstand Hold

– Rest :10

Weightlifting Prep

**Set 1**

* Bar path and positioning overhead.

10 Barbell Strict Press

10 Superman Arch

**Set 2**

* Vertical torso during dip and drive. Elbows up and not drop. Pull chin out of the way.

10 Dip Drive (Barbell in Rack)

10 V-ups

**Set 3**

* Standing up out of the dip should be aggressive and snappy.

10 Push Press (Barbell)

10 Burpees over the bar

**Set 4**

* Build in weight

3 Sets x 3 Push Press (from Rack)


Push Press (5 x 5)

*Lift every 2:30

*Start t first set around 70%

*Increase load across each set.

After Party

**4 Sets For Reps**

:20 Archer Push-ups

Rest :10

:20 Archer Rows

Rest :10

Cool Down


1:00 Banded Shoulder Stretch / Side