To improve is to change; to be perfect is to change often.


πŸ’ͺ Virtual Community Baseline WOD this Saturday at 10am via Zoom! See you there πŸ’ͺ
Our Zoom Classes begin Jan 6th! Check your email or Facebook for the link. Can’t wait to see you all!

CrossFit Belleville – WOD

View Public Whiteboard


**2 sets**

5 side plank reach-throughs / side

5 PVC pass throughs

5 push-ups + 2 shoulder taps

5 Supermans

5 tuck jumps

**Overhead Warm-up

**1 set**

10 scap pull-ups / Banded Pull aparts

:20 partial wall-walk hold

**1 set**

10 kip swings / push ups

3 wall walks

**1 set**

5 kip swings / tricep dips

5 pullups / banded pull aparts

3 wall walks


* Rest :15 between each movement.

**5 sets:**

:30 hand-release push-ups

:30 ring support hold or DB overhead hold or handstand hold

Weightlifting Prep

**Push Press Review

5 reps/empty barbell

1) Strict press // ribs stay down, neutral spine

2) Dip hold // torso upright, knees forward

3) Dip-drive, fast // controlled down, fast up

4) Push press // vertical torso, active shoulder //fast dip-drive

**Build Up | 8:00**

* Build up to a starting weight around 70 percent of athletes’ 1-rep maxes.

**4 sets:**

5 push presses (increasing load)


Push Press (Every 2 minutes x 7 sets x 3 reps)

βœ” Start around 70 percent and build.

βœ” Plan for the sixth set to be the heaviest and add or reduce load as needed for Set 7.

No equipment option

10 rounds for reps:

:30 bench dips

– Rest :30

:30 push-ups

– Rest :30


Metcon (Time)

For time:


Row calories

– Rest :30 between intervals


No equipment option


Thrusters (95/65)

Cool Down

3 sets:

:30 supine snow angel stretch

:30 prone snow angel stretch