That’s a strange look!


“We Love Our Members” BBQ is August 21st between 11am-1:30pm. There will be lots of food thanks to TruLocal and yard games! Feel free to bring your spouse, bf/gf, family, etc! PLEASE RSVP so we can prepare enough food!

CrossFit Belleville – WOD

View Public Whiteboard

Warm up/Mobility

**On an 6:00 Clock**

10 Jumping Jacks

8 Box Step-ups

6 Jumps To Target

4 Depth Jumps

2 Burpee Box Jump Overs

**Progression // Focus** 5 Reps with PVC

1) Jump & Land // With hands at side, jump and land in the split position

2) Jump & Land // Front knee is stacked over front ankle, back leg is slightly bent

3) Jump, Land, Punch // Full hip extension, stable landing position

4) Split Jerk // Full hip extension, punch hard before landing

5) Split Jerk // Recover front foot first and then back foot second

Weightlifting Prep

*6 minutes

*3 Sets x 3 Split Jerk Reps

* Warming up to your first working set. Start with moderate weight


Split Jerk ( 5-3-3-3-1-1-1-1 )

*LIft every 2:30 minutes


5 Sets every 2 minutes

25 Unbroken Wall Balls (20/14#)(10/9-ft.)

– Scale as needed to maintain unbroken sets