☀️ Spartans Summer Camp starts next week! Grab your kiddos’ last minute spot‼️ ☀️ Single Days also available!
CrossFit Belleville – WOD
10 Meters Each of:
Knuckle Draggers
Alternating Quad Stretch
Walking Active Samson
Side to Side Lunge
Walk on Toes
Walk on Heels
High Knees
Butt Kickers
200 Meter Jog
Weightlifting Prep
0:15 Good Mornings
0:15 Elbow Rotations
0:15 Back Squats
5 Snatch Grip Behind the Neck Push Jerks
5 Snatch Grip Stiff Legged Deadlifts
3 Quarter Depth Overhead Squats
[Keep the bar over mid foot]
3 Half Depth Overhead Squats
[Keep the bar over mid foot]
3 Pausing Overhead Squats
[“Bend the bar” Overhead, Externally rotate the shoulders]
Overhead Squat (5 x 3)
*Lift every 2 minutes
*Score will be the lowest weight used as a working set.
Nancy (Time)
5 Rounds for time of:
400m Run
15 Overhead Squats, 95# / 65#
*20 minutes
Cool Down
1:00 Active Twisted Cross