Looking fantastic by the way.

CrossFit Belleville – WOD

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Barbell Warm up -(Snatch) (No Measure)

5 Good Mornings

5 Back Squats

5 Elbow Rotations

5 Snatch Grip Push Press

5 Overhead Squats

5 Snatch Grip Deadlifts
2 Rounds


Snatch (Every 4:00 for 5 sets)

3 snatches (~60%)

2 snatches (~67%)

1 snatch (~75%)

– Complete all 6 reps as quickly as possible for each set and then reset the load for the next round. Power, squat, or mix and match as needed.


Metcon (Time)

– RX –

For total time:

3 rounds:

12 strict handstand push-ups

50 air squats

– Rest 3:00 –

3 rounds:

12 kipping handstand push-ups

25 box jumps (20/24 in)


For total time:

3 rounds:

6 handstand push-up negatives

50 air squats

– Rest 3:00 –

3 rounds:

6 kipping handstand push-ups

25 box jumps (20/24 in)


For total time:

3 rounds:

15 hand-release push-ups

30 air squats

– Rest 3:00 –

3 rounds:

15 push-ups

15 box jumps (20/24 in)

*15 minutes

Cool Down


1:00 banded shoulder stretch/side

1:00 reach, roll, and lift