Let’s celebrate!


Fran is back! Spot Fran, the elf, snap a pic and share to Facebook and/or Instagram but don’t forget to tag us @crossfitbelleville so we can enter your name into the prize draw every week! Every Sunday, we will draw a name and let you choose a $25 gift card to your favourite local small business! *No repeat winners*

CrossFit Belleville – WOD

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12 Days of Crossfit (Time)

w. a partner

1 Deadlift (135, 95) (12 reps)

2 Power Cleans (135, 95)(22reps)

3 Thrusters (135, 95) (30 reps)

4 Alternating Pistols (36 Reps)

5 C2B Pull-ups (40 Reps)

6 KBS (70, 53) (42 Reps)

7 Wallballs (20, 14) (42 reps)

8 Push Jerk (135, 95) (40 reps)

9 Box Jumps (30, 24) (36 reps)

10 T2B (30 reps)

11 Bar Facing Burpees (22 reps)

12 SquatClean Thrusters (135,95)

This workout is performed just like the song, “12 Days of Christmas”.

Each athlete will complete all work listed. meaning the work is NOT split, but one person will complete their work while their partner rests ie. partner A complete all reps of whatever movement they are before switching. Work/Rest will be roughly 1:1