
CrossFit Belleville – WOD

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1) 5 Jump and Land (Hands at Sides) // Hip Extension and Footwork

2) :20 Single Unders / Rest :20 / :20 Singles Unders

3) 5 Jump and Land (Hands at Shoulders) // Hip Extension and Torso Position

4) :20 Double Unders / Rest :20 / :20 Double Unders

5) 5 Jump, Punch, and Land with Arms Extended Overhead // Timing

6) :20 Double Unders / Rest :20 / :20 Double Unders

7) 5 Push Jerk with DBs (Lighter than workout weight) // Timing and pushing against the DB’s into the partial squat.

Then w/ an empty Barbell

5 Romanian Deadlifts

5 Hang Power Cleans

5 Strict Press


8 minutes to get to 70% of 1 RM


Shoulder Press (EMOM 5 x 1Rep)

5 Sets For Load

1 Strict Press (start at 70%)


1 Set For Reps:

1:00 Max Unbroken Strict Press (75%)


Wait (Time)

– RX –

3 Rounds For Time:

25 DB Push Jerks (50/35#)

50 Double Unders

25 Weighted Step-ups (24/20″)(50/35)

50 Double Unders


3 Rounds For Time:

25 DB Push Jerks (35/20#)

25 Double Unders

25 Weighted Step-ups (24/20″)

25 Double Unders


3 Rounds For Time:

20 DB Push Jerks (15/10#)

60 Single Unders

20 Step-ups

60 Single Unders

*15 minutes

After Party

EMOM 12:

Minute 1 | 5 Box Step-offs (each leg)

Minute 2 | 5 Box Jumps For Height

Minute 3 | 5 Box Jumps From Seated

Cool Down


1:00 Foam Roll Quads

1:00 Foam Roll Lower Back

1:00 Foam Roll Calves