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Tshirt/Tank Deadline is this Friday! Let your coach know!

CrossFit Belleville – WOD

View Public Whiteboard


0:30 Easy Rowing

0:30 Active Spiderman

0:30 Easy Rowing

0:30 Bodyweight Good Mornings

0:30 Easy Rowing

0:30 Squat to Stand


10 Scap Retractions

5 Kip Swings

1-3 Strict Pull-Ups or Ring Rows

[Hold at top of rep for :3 (chin over bar, rings to chest)

[Drive elbows to the floor]


Max unbroken set of strict pull-ups

Specific Warm up


**ten meters of each**

Knuckle Draggers

Alternating Quad Stretch

Heel Walk

Toe Walk

High Knees

Butt Kickers

200m Easy


0:30 Easy Row

10 Hard Strokes

10 Easy Strokes

1:00 Row


Boat Race (Time)

3 Rounds:

500 Meter Row

400 Meter Run

Rest 3:00 between rounds

*25min Cap

After Party

100m. Handstand walk, or double dumbbell overhead walking lunge

Cool Down

1:00 Banded Hamstring Stretch (each side)